Principal Investigator
Enrique Leira, MD, MS
Stoppelmoor-Adams Professor in Vascular Neurology
Director of the UIHC Comprehensive Stroke Center
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Department of Neurology, 2 RCP
200 Hawkins Drive Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone Number: 319-356-8755
Areas of Interest: Cerebroprotection, translational models of stroke transport, acute stroke trials, Inter-hospital helicopter stroke transport.
Co-Principal Investigator
Colin Derdeyn, MD Krabbenhoft Professor, Chair
DEO of Radiology-Division of Neurointerventional Radiology
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Department of Radiology, 3JPP
200 Hawkins Drive Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone Number: 319-356-3374
Areas of Interest: Treatment of acute ischemic stroke, neurointerventional treatment for neurological conditions, and conducting clinical trials
Clinical Coordinator
Heena Olalde, RN, MSN
Neurological Research Nurse Coordinator
Clinical/HC Research Manager
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
Department of Neurology, 2 RCP
200 Hawkins Drive Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone Number: 319-356-8326
Areas of Interest: Recruitment and retention in clinical trials, stroke, and nursing
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