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NIH StrokeNet (NSTN) is a National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)/ NIH initiative to conduct Phase I/II and III trials in stroke prevention, treatment and recovery. Industry and small businesses may apply for cooperative agreement grants. All proposals are evaluated for mission relevance and institute priority by NINDS and for network feasibility by the NSTN executive and steering committees. The scientific review of the proposal occurs after the grant application has been submitted for peer-and council-review. Funding decisions are made based on the results of those reviews. To find a Regional Coordinating Center near you click here  or contact the National Coordinating Centers toll free number 855-472-0072.

StrokeNet RCC Renewal Report 2023



  1. Strokenet-concept-synopsis-v4.1  Updated June 2022
  2. Process for Solicitation and Review of Clinical Trials  Updated May 2023
  3. StrokeNet Working Group Slide - 2023
  4. Proposal Development Process Flowchart Updated June 2023

Funding Announcements:

  1. Communicating and Acknowledging Federal Funding
  2. NIH StrokeNet – National Data Management Center for year 2023 (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) December 15, 2022
  3. NIH StrokeNet – National Coordinating Center for year 2023 (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) December 15, 2022
  4. NIH StrokeNet- Regional Coordinating Stroke Centers for year 2023 (U24 - Clinical Trials Not Allowed) December 15, 2022
  5. PAR-24-101 NIH StrokeNet Clinical Trials and Biomarker Studies for Stroke Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial Optional) Updated January 2024​​
  6. Other Support
  7. Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples
  8. NOT-NS-14-043: Notice of Clarification of NINDS Policy for the Submission of Multi-site Clinical Trials in Stroke Treatment, Recovery, or Prevention

Administrative Documents:

  1. StrokeNet Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's), Administrative and Good Clinical Practice 
  2. StrokeNet Site Start Up Timeline Expectations
  3. Letters:
  4. Trial CTA Attachments
  5. StrokeNet Guidance for Managing Competing Trials
  6. MTAs & Changes in the Network 
  7. DSMB Schedule for Current NIH StrokeNet Trials 12.18.20

Central IRB:

  1. Institution-vs-IRB-responsibilities
  2. StrokeNet Memo for Relying Institution Local IRB Processes

Network Publications:

  1. Parent Council for a Pediatric Stroke Rehabilitation Clinical Trial
  2. Adjunctive Intravenous Argatroban or Eptifibatide for Ischemic Stroke
  3. William M. Feinberg Lecture: Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis: Current and Future Considerations
  4. Tips for a Successful Scientific Presentation
  5. Apixaban to Prevent Recurrence After Cryptogenic Stroke in Patients With Atrial Cardiopathy The ARCADIA Randomized Clinical Trial
  6. National Institutes of Health StrokeNet During the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
  7. Recruitment in Acute Stroke Trials: Challenges and Potential Solutions
  8. Multiomic markers stroke Nat Rev Neurol 2020
  9. AF-SCREEN white paper post-stroke AF monitoring Circulation 2019
  10. Atrial myopathy review JACC Basic to Translational 2019
  11. Carotid revascularization and medical management for asymptomatic carotid stenosis - Hemodynamics (CREST-H): Study Design and rationale.
  12. A pragmatic, adaptive clinical trial design for a rare disease: The FOcal Cerebral Arteriopathy Steroid (FOCAS) trial
  13. The Utility of Domain-Specific End Points in Acute Stroke Trial
  14. Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Research: Issues, Opportunities, and the National Institutes of Health StrokeNet
  15. Imaging in StrokeNet: Realizing the Potential of Big Data
  16. Intense Arm Rehabilitation Therapy Improves the Modified Rankin Scale Score: Association Between Gains in Impairment and Function
  17. Efficacy of Home-Based Telerehabilitation vs In-Clinic Therapy for Adults After Stroke A Randomized Clinical Trial 
  18. National Institutes of Health StrokeNet During the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond
  19. Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults
  20. Recommendations for Clinical Trials in ICH: The Second Hemorrhagic Stroke Academia Industry Roundtable.
  21. Sleep for Stroke Management and Recovery Trial (Sleep SMART): Rationale and methods
  22. National Institute of Health StrokeNet Training Core
  23. The AtRial cardiopathy and antithrombotic drugs in prevention after cryptogenic stroke randomized trial: Rationale and methods.
  24. Efficacy of home-based telerehabilitation vs in-clinic therapy for adults after stroke: A randomized clinical trial.
  25. Thrombectomy for Stroke at 6 to 16 Hours with Selection by Perfusion Imaging 
  26. Study-aims-to-learn-more-about-silent-infarction-cognitive-decline-linked-to-silent-stroke
  27. Thrombectomy for Stroke at 6 to 16 Hours with Selection by Perfusion Imaging. 
  28.  Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Research Issues, Opportunities, and the National Institutes of  Health StrokeNet. 
  29. StrokeNet Takes Off National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Organizational Update. 
  30. The NIH StrokeNet A Users Guide.
  31. Imaging in StrokeNet Realizing the Potential of Big Data.

Research Practice Publications:

  1. How Nurses Can Partner With National Institutes of Health StrokeNet to Deliver Best Research and Care to Stroke Patients. Stroke. 2017;STROKEAHA.117.017872 . Originally published December 4, 2017. Jamey Frasure, Judith Spilker
  2. Power of an Adaptive Trial Design for Endovascular Stroke Studies: Simulations Using IMS (Interventional Management of Stroke) III Data. Stroke. 2016;47:2931-2937. Originally published November 15, 2016
    Maarten G. Lansberg, Ninad S. Bhat, Sharon D. Yeatts, Yuko Y. Palesch, Joseph P. Broderick, Gregory W. Albers, Tze L. Lai and Philip W. Lavori
  3. Stroke Treatment Academic Industry Roundtable: The Next Generation of Endovascular Trials. Stroke. 2016;47:2656-2665. Originally published September 1, 2016
    Tudor G. Jovin, Gregory W. Albers, David S. Liebeskind and for the STAIR IX Consortium
  4. Stroke Treatment Academic Industry Roundtable Recommendations for Individual Data Pooling Analyses in Stroke. 2016;47:2154-2159. Originally published July 12, 2016
    Kennedy R. Lees, Pooja Khatri, for the STAIR IX Collaborators